Weekend Quotes Generator

Best Weekend Quotes

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50+ Weekend Quotes

  1. A week should only be two days: Saturday and Sunday.
  2. A weekend filled with joy is never wasted.
  3. As long as you enjoy it, a weekend is never pointless.
  4. Can’t live without my weekends. 
  5. Enjoying my weekend like it’s my job. 
  6. Every day is a beautiful gift, but Saturday is like that gift you’ve been asking for all year.
  7. Feeling the weekend vibes. 
  8. Give yourself a break. It’s the weekend.
  9. Goals are not thrown out on the weekend. They are merely hidden in the Monday drawer.
  10. If only endless weekends were a thing.
  11. If only every day were Saturday.
  12. Is there anything sweeter than knowing you get to sleep in on the weekend?
  13. It has finally arrived — that weekend vibe.
  14. It was all fun and games until Monday walked into the room.
  15. It would be nice if time moved as slowly on the weekend as it did on Monday.
  16. It’s a worry-free weekend. Leave your troubles to Monday.
  17. Life is too short for a two-day weekend. Make every day a Saturday.
  18. Light up the night with your sweet Saturday smile.
  19. Live every day like it’s Saturday.
  20. May your weekend be wild: wildly entertaining.
  21. Monday tried to call, but Sunday hung up on it.
  22. My weekend mood is happy.
  23. On weekends, pants are optional.
  24. Recharge your soul by basking in the brightness of the weekend.
  25. Saturday and Sunday begin with S because they make you smile.
  26. Saturday is a marvelous magician. You blink, and it’s gone.
  27. Saturday is like the best-dressed day of the week. It always shines the brightest.
  28. Saturdays are food for the soul.
  29. Sometimes you just need a lazy Saturday to change your perspective.
  30. The meaning of life can be found in warm coffee on a Saturday morning.
  31. The perfect weekend: lazy mornings and fun afternoons. 
  32. The weekend is a small slice of heaven to recharge your batteries.
  33. There is no such thing as a bad weekend.
  34. There is not a sadder day than the end of Saturday.
  35. These are the two days I waited all week for.
  36. Treat your weekend with care. You basically have to get through five Mondays to have another one.
  37. We live for lazy weekends. 
  38. Weekends — like dessert to the meal that is Monday through Friday. 
  39. Weekends are a magical miracle topped with happiness.
  40. Weekends are for cheat days. You’ve been good all week.
  41. Weekends are for family. 
  42. Weekends are for relaxing or partying. There is no in-between.
  43. Weekends are for self-care. 
  44. Weekends are like a few warm sunny days in the middle of winter.
  45. Weekends are like a power-up in the game of life.
  46. Weekends are like rainbows that break through five days of rain.
  47. Weekends are like that friend you never want to leave. It’s hard to say goodbye.
  48. Weekends are like the treat you wait for all day that just melts in your mouth in seconds. Sweet, but gone too soon.
  49. Weekends are my time to shine.
  50. Weekends are the perfect time for self-care. 
  51. Weekends have to be at least two days. You need Sunday to recuperate from some of your Saturday decisions.
  52. Weekends: the most joyful days of the week.
  53. Weekends: when wearing your jammies all day is considered self-care.
  54. When my work list ends, my weekend to-do list begins. Until I push it to the next weekend.
  55. You know you’ve reached a certain age when a fun Saturday night is Netflix and a nap.
  56. You never want weekends to end.
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